DONATION LINK These adventures will be 100% free upon release, however support from the RPG / Dark Sun community by way of donations will ...


Now Completed: LOTRS1-1 Whispers of Dread for Pathfinder 2e

Shawn Bowman (you rock Shawn!!) has completed the newest Pathfinder 2e version of LOTRS1-1 Whispers of Dread. This now incorporates all the most recent feedback considerations and is now it's own designated stand-alone PF2e doc. To access the module stop on by our Lands of the Ravaged Sun Playtesting Discord Server .

If any of you PF2e keeners are on other forums and such
, please do spread the word about our project as others may also be intrigued.

All focus for the project will now be on bringing the next two modules to playtesting completion and getting them out to all of you
. Cheers!!


Athascon 2024 Playtesting Feature and YouTube Livestream

Wow response to our project has been fantastic with over 30 Game Master playtest kits emailed out over the past two weeks and our new discord server has already grown to 180 members! And those who have donated have already allowed us to confirm the writing for the second trilogy!

As well, On Oct 25, 2024 the fine folks over at the Those Natural Ones - Dungeons and Dragons YouTube channel will be live streaming play of the first and possibly the second and third modules as a part of Athascon 2024!

Help spreading the word and giving feedback is very much appreciated. This is a passion project and every bit of encouragement helps us keep the forge furnace white hot!! Head on over to our discord server for all the details:

This passion project is 100% free, however support through donations will allow us to continue keeping the content coming. Come join our Discord community!



Playtesters Needed! DM's and Players Welcome!

Players and DM's!! We are very excited to be entering the playtesting phase of the first adventure of the Lands of the Ravages Sun campaign: LOTRS1-1 WHISPERS OF DREAD. The adventure itself is rule system agnostic, however it includes stat blocks and rule supplements (including psionics) for D&D5e and Pathfinder 2e, along with stat blocks for AD&D 2e npcs and monsters that are unique to this module.

A feedback form (for the DM and for players) will also be included to guide folks somewhat once they are ready to share their thoughts. If you are keen please check in at the LANDS OF THE RAVAGED SUN DISCORD SERVER. There you will find a channel for each of the three supported rule systems: AD&D 2e, D&D 5e and Pathfinder 2e.

As a DM playtester you will receive the completed adventure by Luke Swaddling including all custom digital assets such as top-down tokens by Devin Night, battle map by Trevor Oneiromancy, and regional maps by Gabriel Avagion Eggars. As well there will be supplemental Dark Sun campaign docs for both D&D5e (by Toucanbuzz / Kibblestasty) and Pathfinder 2e systems (by Shawn Bowman).

LOTRS-1-2 TEMPLE OF THE ROCK DRAKE and LOTRS1-3 ECHOES OF THE VANISHED (both written by Robert Adducci of are also very near to completion. They too will need play testing, so for those enjoying the experience they will be able to continue on.

As well, LOTRS1-4, LOTRS1-5, and LOTRS1-6 have been given the green light and have entered the writing phase with Robert returning as lead writer. This means that with a good wind at our backs there will be ongoing content ahead for those keen to see where the campaign takes them.

DONATIONS LINK These adventures will be 100% free, however support from the community by way of donations will ensure we can keep the trilogies coming as we have a seriously cool concept we would love to see be fully created. This first trilogy has been generously backed by Brad Knorr, owner operator of



DONATION LINK These adventures will be 100% free upon release, however support from the RPG / Dark Sun community by way of donations will ensure we can keep the trilogies coming as we have a seriously cool concept we would love to see be fully created. This first trilogy has been generously backed by Brad Knorr, owner operator of Foundry Server.

Please provide full legal name & email address when submitting a donation so we can get you your digital copy of the product the moment it becomes available.
Come join our Discord community:





LANDS OF THE RAVAGED SUN, A new original Dark Sun campaign is off to a fantastic start. An Athas-shaking story is ready to unfold and be co-created by those that survive it's many hazards and twists. All questions very welcome!

Each installment will be released as a trilogy of adventures and we are getting closer to the completion of the first trilogy each day. Adventure #1: Whispers of Dread by Luke Swadling is in the final stages (All art assets are in place, final text is completed and layout is 95% done), and Adventures #2 Temple of the Rock Drake and #3 Echoes of the Vanished (Both written by Robert Adducci) are also well on their way. Our goal is to create and release all 7 trilogy instalments (or chapters), for a total of 21 total adventures which will take characters from levels 1 to 11 (AD&D2e and Pathfinder2e characters may not progress at the same rate). We are optimistic that support from the Dark Sun community will make this happen!  

We have a fantastic team of incredibly talented contributors. In addition to our writers mentioned above,  Gabriel Eggers (Avagion) is on board for the creation of regional maps as well as final layout of text and images, Devin Night is creating killer top-down custom tokens, Oneiromancy and The Musical Rogue are on battle map creation, and Luis C Freitas / Matthew Makin / Kendal Gates on original sketch art.

Each trilogy release will include the following:

  • D&D 5e Dark Sun Campaign Guide and Monster Manual by Toucanbuzz with some minor LOTRS edits
  • D&D 5e Psion Class and Soul Knife Subclass by Kibblestasty with a reskin using Dark Sun themed art
  • Pathfinder 2e Dark Sun Campaign Guide and Monster Manual by Shawn Bowman
  • Stat blocks for all NPC's and unique foes for AD&D2e, D&D 5e and Pathfinder 2e.

These adventures will be 100% free, however support from the community by way of donations will ensure we can keep the trilogies coming as we have a seriously cool concept we would love to see be fully created. This first trilogy has been generously backed by Brad Knorr, owner operator of Come join our Discord community:


LOTRS-01 Synopsis

In the arid expanse of Athas, beneath the shadow of the southern Ringing Mountains, lies the forsaken village of Thirst, where the sudden disappearance of several villagers has sown seeds of fear and uncertainty. Rumors whisper of a band of ruthless reavers, who have turned the ancient and battered dwarven keep into a den of misery and captivity. Drawn to this desolate place, adventurers are tasked with the perilous journey to infiltrate the keep, now a prison for the innocents of Thirst. There they must orchestrate a daring escape amidst a maelstrom of danger and deceit. This adventure calls upon the brave to unveil the fate of the vanished, challenge the corruption of the sands, and restore hope to a land parched for justice.

This adventure is best played with a group of 3-6 characters of level 1, but can be played with characters levels 1-4 with adjustments.

LOTRS-01 Sample Pages

If you know of folks who might like to get in on the action, please do point them to our blog. We will be keeping regular updates coming as well as any changes to estimated release dates. We are currently shooting for Oct 1st, 2024 for the first trilogy.

Lands of the Ravaged Sun: A Dark Sun Campaign...

When an entire tribe of halflings goes missing, the power vacuum left behind causes turmoil in the Lands of the Ravaged Sun. Once a forbidden yet cohesive and relatively stable region, the absence of the halflings disrupts the delicate balance of power among the neighboring factions. This sudden void leads to a surge in conflicts as rival tribes, mercenaries, and monstrous creatures vie for control of the now-abandoned territory.

The adventurers are drawn to investigate the mysterious disappearance. Their journey begins in the parched wastelands just northwest of the city of Celik, where they must navigate treacherous terrain and contend with the oppressive heat, lethality and depravity that defines the Dark Sun world. Along the way, they will encounter desperate refugees, ambitious warlords, predatory merchant factions and ancient beings who hold secrets long buried beneath the desiccated wastelands.

As they delve deeper into the mystery, the adventurers will uncover clues pointing to a connection between present day events and the sinister history of the cleansing wars. They will explore forgotten ruins, traverse uncharted wilderness and delve into subterranean caverns where they will face terrifying monsters that have been left unchecked in the halflings' absence. Each battle will bring them closer to understanding the true nature and potential magnitude of what has taken place, and what may yet come to pass.

The investigation will lead the adventurers to the heart of the Lands of the Ravaged Sun, where they will discover the halflings' disappearance is but the first incident in a potentially much larger series of events that, if left unchecked, could hasten Athas' inexorable descent into oblivion.

To succeed, the adventurers must forge alliances with unlikely allies, uncover the ancient lore of the halflings, and confront powerful entities that wield magic and influence beyond comprehension. They will face moral dilemmas and make choices that will determine the fate of countless lives.

Will they restore balance once again, or will they play a role in hastening the Lands of the Ravaged Sun to succumb to the forces of darkness? Only the bravest and most resourceful adventurers can hope to unravel the mystery and leave their immutable mark on the face of Athas.

Upon it's release this product will be offered to users 100% free of charge and is not for resale. The Dark Sun setting is the property of Wizards of the Coast. Permission granted to print or photocopy this complete document for personal use only. Come join our Discord community: