Download Links for Modules and Supplemental Documents

In this pinned post we will update download links for each module as they complete playtesting and are ready for folks to enjoy. Modules LOT...


Download Links for Modules and Supplemental Documents

In this pinned post we will update download links for each module as they complete playtesting and are ready for folks to enjoy.



Completed AD&D2e/D&D5e module 1-1:
Download Link Coming Soon

Completed Pathfinder 2e version (be sure to access using google chrome):

Feedback is always welcome, feel free to comment here on this post or send us an email:


This module is nearing completion of the playtest phase:
Download Link Coming Soon


This module is nearing the playtest phase:
Download Link Coming Soon 

  • Our project is 100% funded by awesome folks like you who find value in our effort
  • 100% of all donated funds go to pay our content creators
  • Our content is 100% free to use and share
If you pass along our content, please consider pointing folks towards our Lands of the Ravaged Sun Playtesting discord group so that they can stay connected and find our DONATION LINK.

You can also find us active on the
Dark Sun D&D 5e Conversions Facebook group.

Campaign Guides and Resource Documents



Pathfinder 2e

Additional Map and Token Assets


In addition to those we provide, you can find more fantastic Dark Sun and desert themed top-down tokens by Devin Night: 

Desert Encounters:

Desert Encounters 2:

Desert Sands:

And if you want to customize the weapons and shields of tokens here are some great options that fit the Dark Sun vibe:

As well some really great tokens by artist Greg Bruni:


You can find more fantastic Dark Sun themed maps by Oneiromancy:


For reaches beyond the scope of the Lands of the Ravaged Sun, you will find fantastic maps of Athas:



Support so far has been fantastic, we hope that our efforts bring much enjoyment to you and your players and we are honored to be contributing to such an amazing community of Dark Sun fans both new and old. 

May you always find shade when you need it, and may your water skin be ever full.

The Lands of the Ravaged Sun team.


LOTRS1-2 TEMPLE OF THE EARTH DRAKE - Playtesting Packages Sent Out Today!

After many months of effort by the talented and dedicated Lands of the Ravaged Sun team, we are
proud to release the playtest package for our second module:

Our goal is to bring an exciting and fresh new story to the world of Athas which is firmly rooted in
established and loved lore and that maintains the classic Dark Sun vibe. This module is meant to be
the first of many which when combined will bring players and DMs alike along for what we feel will
be a very compelling and worthy journey. 

All content is 100% free.

To become a part of our playtest team as a DM or a player, please leave a comment here or connect
with us on our Lands of the Ravaged Sun Playtest Discord Server. 



Letsie, Agent for House Maraneth of Celik, a Key NPC

Letsie is a key NPC an agent for House Maraneth of Celik. We are thrilled with how well our custom tokens by Devin Night are turning out.

Adobe Firefly is free and only uses legal content to train itself on. No stealing of other artists work. We will be using this exclusively going forward, such as the reference image in the right corner.

Module1-1 Whispers of Dread is complete and available for free HERE.

Module1-2 Temple of the Earth Drake is moving into playtesting any day now with Module 1-3 Echoes of the Vanished  heading to playtesting shortly after.

Interested in playtesting? Join our DISCORD server.

Hit us up if you have any questions!



LOTRS1-4 Nearly Fully Funded!

 THANK YOU to the following fantastic folks for supporting our project!!

Reid Albano
Igor Comunale
Stuart Lynch
Robert Kukuchka
Julian Jones
David De Backer
Sean McHenry
Jeremy Mandel
Edwin S
. Nieves
Steven Lee
Benoit Lévesque
Desmond Peterson
Mathieu Casanova
Duncan Campbell
Austin Hoffman
Roibeard Forde
Travis Alexander

Total funds donated to date: $558 USD, average cost per adventure (module) to create: $650 USD

All content contributors are paid
, all funds go directly to creating more content. Without your support, new content would not be possible... you ROCK!

Donation link is here:

Image by L. C. Freitas



LOTRS Module1-1 Whispers of Dread Is Now Complete!


After a massive amount of work, Lands of the Ravaged Sun Campaign Module 1-1 WHISPERS OF DREAD is complete!! It is 100% free and can be found here:
AD&D2e, D&D5e and Pathfinder2e Supported.
A huge thank-you to Luke Swadling, Monty Platz (Toucanbuzz), Gabriel Eggers, Robert Adducci, Shawn Bowman, Trevor Rogan (, L C Freitas, Wojciech David Jacyk, and Cédric Steffen.
A special thank-you to Brad Knorr of for making this project possible by backing the first trilogy (LOTRS1-1, 1-2, 1-3) and has generously offered a 50% discount for 3 months for those who sign up today with coupon DARKSUN5.
The Pathfinder 2e Module and Campaign guide can be found separately here: LOTRS 1-2 Temple of the Earth Drake and LOTRS 1-3 Echoes of the Vanished will be going into playtest phase very soon. If you are interested in playtesting, jump on over to our Discord group and sign up, it's free:
100% of all donations go directly to content creation, this is not and can not be a for profit project.


Donating Through the Buy-Me-A-Coffee Platform

Check it out! -  We have updated our donations process and now have a new buymeacoffee page. We received some feedback from folks that not everyone has a paypal account and etranfers internationally are not always easy.

As well, Brad Knorr of  has generously offered a 50% discount for 3 months for those who sign up today for his server hosting with coupon DARKSUN5.

Every little bit helps
, Cheers!





Now Completed: LOTRS1-1 Whispers of Dread for Pathfinder 2e

Shawn Bowman (you rock Shawn!!) has completed the newest Pathfinder 2e version of LOTRS1-1 Whispers of Dread. This now incorporates all the most recent feedback considerations and is now it's own designated stand-alone PF2e doc. To access the module stop on by our Lands of the Ravaged Sun Playtesting Discord Server .

If any of you PF2e keeners are on other forums and such
, please do spread the word about our project as others may also be intrigued.

All focus for the project will now be on bringing the next two modules to playtesting completion and getting them out to all of you
. Cheers!!